You can ignore EVERYTHING.
Ignore Tornados.
Ignore Hurricanes.
Understand, however, that events have CONSEQUENCES. Sometimes you can't ignore those consequences.
Let the reader use discernment. Selah.
one thing i've never understood is judicial committees.
yes, i understand it's held to see if elders should go through with the disfellowshipping process.
but why give them all the power?
You can ignore EVERYTHING.
Ignore Tornados.
Ignore Hurricanes.
Understand, however, that events have CONSEQUENCES. Sometimes you can't ignore those consequences.
Let the reader use discernment. Selah.
we've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
I strongly believe that prophets should be well-identified so we will know who to thank when their prophecies come true.
For that reason...
David Brooks thinks Donald Trump will
be impeached. The New York Times columnist (not a professor) penned an
entire column about preparing for “the post-Trump era,” concluding “the
guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year.”
He’s not alone. Filmmaker Michael Moore
predicted on Morning Joe (MSNBC) that American won’t “have to suffer”
through a whole term of Trump since “he will—maybe unintentionally—break
please, let's discuss this subject without attacking one another.. it appears that trump has won a victory that no one expected.
is it possible that trump may play a part in the great tribulation?.
there are some who believe trump is one of the most unqualified of men to ever be elected president of the united states.
"Trump cannot even pronounce 2 Corinthians."
Yes, and I was among the many who found that HOWLINGLY FUNNY for a guy who wanted to REALLY impress conservative Xtians with how deeply spiritual he was. He said he "really loved" the Evangelicals as though that was the name of the family next door.
"Evangelical... that's Italian, ain't it?"
During his campaign Trump gave me many cringe moments, but ultimately I saw it as a choice between a migraine headache and necrotizing fasciitis. The migraine is awful, but it can be treated and survived. Not so with necrotizing hillariitis.
That shit will KILL you!
one thing i've never understood is judicial committees.
yes, i understand it's held to see if elders should go through with the disfellowshipping process.
but why give them all the power?
I nominate Sorry for the "I was a Witness for 30 seconds" award.
Your lack of understanding about the organization you say you were a part of is PHENOMINAL!
Could you do us a favor and post a photo of your JW ID card so we can know you really were a member?
we've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
He's been President since Wednesday morning four days ago and he's done nothing but FAIL since then!
i'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
i have been thinking about how the wtb&t society bullies all of its members into submission with the threats they use (by practice), i.e.
“if you do this we will df you and you will be shunned”.
“if you da yourself, we will make an announcement and your friends, relatives and family will abandon you”, etc.
Jehovah's Witnesses do not disfellowship anyone who is NOT a baptized member of the cult.
No one is forced to become a JW; they are not shanghaied, no one puts a gun to their head.
You say you were TRICKED? You say you were DECEIVED? So is every other religious person.
The people who shun you are doing so because of their own self-interest. Do you think they should toss away their spiritual lifeboat to make a person who BROKE THE RULES (that's YOU) feel good? WHY? Why should they put your interests ahead of their own?
To expect otherwise is just silly.
Now go ahead and denounce me as a "Watchtower lawyer." In this instance it would be a compliment.
i'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
Ok, Simon, give us the links to the "alternate" covers that show Hillary as the loser and Trump as the winner.
i was on security at an assembly and we were told not to let anyone no matter who they were in before 730 am .
this bro who was always full of himself come along and wanted to be let in i said we were under strict instructions not to let anyone in before 730. he kept trying to talk me around and failed so he said " do you know who i am "?
i said " yes a humble servent of jehovah just like the rest of us".
The BEST thing about it is that it gave me an IRON-CLAD excuse to sleep through the assembly programs. "I'm needed to protect Jehovah's physical assets!"
It's like the Bethelite who peels potatoes rejoicing in his "sacred service!" Yeah, he's a minister, according to Idaho 3:16.
One time while we were up all night, there was a traffic accident on the road that went past the stadium, and having nothing more urgent to attend to at "O-dark-thirty" we went over to see if we could help.
The accident involved a passenger car and an ICE CREAM TRUCK. It was summer, it was HOT (90+ degrees) and this was in Washington DC adjacent to a poor neighborhood. The neighbors had a great deal of interest in "rescuing" the inventory that was on the truck, so one of the smart guys in our team quickly concocted a story about how refrigerant gas had CONTAMINATED all the ice cream.
It worked! The inventory remained un-pilfered!
No one was injured in the accident and we didn't take any of the ice cream.
We sincerely wanted to be helpful, not opportunistic parasites.
i have been thinking about how the wtb&t society bullies all of its members into submission with the threats they use (by practice), i.e.
“if you do this we will df you and you will be shunned”.
“if you da yourself, we will make an announcement and your friends, relatives and family will abandon you”, etc.
Simon Templar said, "I know and understand more than the average person on this subject..."
I disagree. What are you, a restaurant inspector?
Here's the rub: membership in the JWs is VOLUNTARY. When you were baptized, you agreed to FOLLOW THEIR RULES, and one of the rules is that they can use "loving" "scriptural" disciplinary methods to "save" you from your "sinful" nature.
They have legal rights too, y'know.
ALL of us made a BAD DECISION when we "decided" to be baptized as JWs. At some point you just have to accept responsibility for you MISTAKES, FORGIVE YOURSELF, flip them the bird, and go on your way, injured perhaps, but undefeated.
...and here is a great way to test what your lawyer's opinion REALLY is: ask him to work with you PRO BONO. If he gives you reasons why he can't do that, it translates to "your case doesn't have a chance of succeeding, and I like to eat three times a day."
Best of luck to you!